The following is the status of our Arkham Horror storage solutions as of the release of the Secrets of the Order expansion.

What Do You Need?

All of these notes pertain to Arkham Horror 3rd edition:

If you own everything, you should grab an AH-001 and an AH-002.  This will provide you with plenty of card storage if you sleeve and both custom deck dispensers we produce.  We store our large map tiles in our Dead of Nights box and we assume you will too, therefore, you will not need the top tray included in the AH-001 kit.

If you own just the base game, you'll need an AH-001 and you will use the top tray included in the kit.

The current state of this solution is the AH-001 and AH-002 plus the Dead of Night box currently store everything from all released expansions through Secrets of the Order as of Aug 26, 2021. The next expansion will likely require a new organizer that will likely use the Secrets of the Order box.