Bezier Games may be my wife’s favorite publisher.  She is simply in love with Suburbia.  When I ask her what game she would like to play, Suburbia is very often the answer.  I also really, really like Suburbia.  I think the minute I saw the art, I was in love… It’s simple and spartan and the graphic layout of the tiles is very business-like.  The game is a ton of fun as well!  Therefore, we are bubbling with excitement to announce that we have convinced Ted over at Bezier games to let us produce storage solutions for both Suburbia and Ultimate Werewolf Deluxe Edition.  You can grab Suburbia from your favorite retailer right now, but if you want Ultimate Werewolf Deluxe Edition, you will need to mosey over to the active Kickstarter campaign and pledge!

Werewolf is an ever present icon within the gaming community and Bezier Games is producing an amazing boxed version filled with amazing art and tons of re-playability.   This new Kickstarter version is filled with tons of options, including alternative art sets that deliver an amazing ~380 cards to the top pledge levels.  Plus, Bezier Games is producing a sweet moderator scorepad with this Kickstarter version!  Somehow, the stretch goals literally go on for pages and pages as you scroll!  Best of all, one of my favorite illustrators is already committed to producing an artpack (Klemens Franz – Agricola, Suburbia)

Today we are excited to present the BOX-003, which was inspired directly by Ultimate Werewolf Deluxe Edition.


The BOX-003 with the Ultimate Werewolf logo art is available for pre-order now and it will be delivered in the same time frame that you receive your Kickstarter copy of Ultimate Werewolf Deluxe Edition.  This Kickstarter-synchronized delivery service allows us to test the box design and ensure that all of the Ultimate Werewolf components fit properly (mostly the scorepad) once Bezier Games has received the manufacturing sample of the game.  Plus, you wouldn’t really want to stare longingly at your beautiful storage box for several months while waiting for the game to be printed and then shipped to the U.S., would you?

To pre-order the Ultimate Werewolf Deluxe Edition storage chest today at Kickstarter pricing, go to the pre-order page here, provide your email address and country, and browse the New Items/Post-Kickstarter category.  On a related note, the Ultimate Werewolf Deluxe Edition engraving can also be applied to the BOX-002 Chest.  The BOX-002 provides one long row of card storage, but does not provide storage for your moderator scorepad.

We encourage you to check out Ultimate Werewolf Deluxe Edition and if you don’t own a copy of this seminal game, support Bezier Games’ Kickstarter and grab a copy for yourself!