Design Poll

Poll will be back!

** This poll generally changes now and then, so feel free to drop by from time to time and vote.

177 thoughts on “Vote!

    • Anonymous says:

      Seconding this. You’ve made the original MU organizers, and X-Men is expected to arrive in the next month or so in the US.

      I’d love to have all of my MU products in matching Go7 organizers…

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve purchased a handful of inserts from Go7 (Millennium Blades, Rising Sun, Anachrony). I’m eying the inserts for Ankh and Bloodborne right now, but my most wanted insert is for Mythic Battles: Pantheon. That game could desperately use a storage solution, and surprisingly there are none on the market. With the recent Mythic Battles: Ragnarok Kickstarter set to deliver June of this year (2022), this would be a great opportunity to develop an insert for both Mythic Battles: Pantheon and Ragnarok (Pantheon was included in some of the pledge levels for this campaign, so it will be fresh for many players again). Please consider developing an insert for Mythic Battles: Pantheon. Thank you!

  2. Salvador P. says:

    I’d like just the etched labels for the massive darkness/zombicide crossover figures, both black plague and green horde. also when md2 comes out a new organizer.

  3. Tim R. says:

    Ankh: Gods of Egypt needs an insert. I know you do many CMON games, so hopefully you will also do this one. I have the KS All-in.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Frosthaven. The Go7 Gaming insert for Gloomhaven was absolutely fantastic. Given the recent debacle with broken token, Kickstarter backers won’t be getting that insert as a preorder option. I’m really hoping to be able to get a G7 insert, as they are second to none.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes!!!! I 100% agree. We need Frosthaven insert. It’s coming out at the end of the year and we are going to need an excellent insert for it. We love our gloomhaven and jaws inserts. Please make one for Frosthaven.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am ready to go all in on Ankh once your solution is ready. Please focus on making everything fit in as few boxes as possible!

  6. William S. says:

    Nemesis? And for the most recent kickstarter Aftermath box and Void Seeder box. Tainted Grail would also be awesome.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Any chance of suggesting “Last Night On Earth”? Multiple expansions as well as an anniversary (large) box that could make a design easier for an insert to hold most of the game’s content with expansions!

  8. Michael H. says:

    Any plans for an insert for “Night of the Living Dead: A Zombicide Game” ? I would be nice to have it all in one box.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Here’s a vote for Tragedy Looper and its two small expansions! I think you could get everything to fit in the base game box with a very simple organizer.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Railroad Revolution with the expansion Railroad Evolution is in desperate need of an organizer. Maybe even one with acrylic overlay.

  11. John N. says:

    The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch really needs a nice organizer really badly. Please Please Please!!! There is so much content with that game and so much empty space in some of the expansion boxes…. It would be wonderful to combine them to save space.. Also would help with setup and breakdown.. I’m sure there will be a lot more SMOG out in the wild since the TimeMachine Kickstarter….

  12. Henry S. says:

    Just got CMoN/Lang’s Munchkin Dungeon. So of course the next step is getting it all to fit into minimal boxes.
    Hope to see your solution for that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Definite +1 on CMON Munchkin Dungeon. I just received the All-In version and it’s humongous! I’d love a big box for everything.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Arkham Horror 3rd is about to get a deluxe expansion and sounds like they’re gonna keep plugging away at them.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I have purchased around a dozen organizers for my board games and Go7Gaming is my favorite company! I prefer Go7gaming organizers because of the material quality and thickness of the materials. Some other companies use particle board while others require a bit of sanding.

    I have the Everdell and Dominion organizers from Go7Gaming and your organizer for Everdell is simply amazing. I am a big fan of Everdell and recently I purchased the two expansions: Spirecrest Collector’s Edition, and Bellfaire. Since the base game and Pearlbrook are already packed away perfectly, I would like to propose a second organizer for the latest two expansions that fits into the Spirecrest box.

    Another organizer idea I would love for you to consider is Root. I also have the Riverfolk and Underground expansions, and realize all this content simply wont fit into one box. The game boards and player boards alone fill an entire expansion box perfectly. An organizer is needed for the remaining components within the base game box.

    Please consider these two games along with their expansions as an additional option in your poll. The fact that these two games would require two boxes to contain all of the content may be a deal breaker for some, but Root and Everdell are simply beautiful. I have a hunch that anyone who loves these games enough to buy all of the expansions won’t mind using two boxes to contain all of the content neatly.

    Thank you!
    Jeffrey Allard
    Fellow lover of board games and organization

    • Anonymous says:

      Definite +1 on CMON Starcadia Quest. I just received the All-In KS pledge and it’s humongous! I’d love a big box for everything! Especially all the minis.

  15. David B. says:

    I just picked up the insert for Architects of the Western Kingdom but don’t see one for Paladins of the Western Kingdom. I know Garphill/Renegade manage to cram a lot of game into a small box so it would probably be a challenge but I bet ya’ll could pull it off.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Any chance of getting a Cthulhu Wars insert? The games third printing is shipping this summer so it seems like there would be plenty of interest!

  17. Anonymous says:

    With the release of CMON’s Cthulu: Death May Die, will you guys be releasing an insert as you have for most of not almost all of CMON’s kickstarters in the past 2 years?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Would absolutely love a insert for Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid. The plastic makes me a bit nervous for my painted minis and some of the holders don’t do a good job.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I’m pretty sure Duel of Ages II and the Master Set do not have an insert anywhere at this point. I would love to see that eventually.

  20. Jason C. says:

    i think lords of Hellas could really use an insert. Since it was one of Awaken realms first games the insert design is my great. The hero’s don’t even have a place in the insert for the base game.

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